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Case Studies

Not just another software company. EHS, Inc. is different than other EHS software providers because of our extensive knowledge and experience in the broader EHS field since 2009. Since our inception, we have delivered paid EHS products to nearly 20,000 U.S. small businesses and completed hundreds of complex EHS product development projects for companies, institutions, and even governments such as Cameroon Africa. While our recent emphasis has been on contrarian EHS software solutions and rapid software development process, we are more commonly known for delivering broader holistic solutions in EHS to companies demanding high levels of customization. Our success stories, showcased below demonstrate the seamless integration of our deep domain experience and custom approach to products and services; which have consistently unlocked hidden EHS performance opportunities for our customers year after year.


L3 MariPro, Inc. (now L3Harris Technologies) reached out to us for help developing a high-hazard work procedures template library for an underwater maritime project. The problem was that their existing documentation was a mixture of different formats created by different authors, resulting in confused naming conventions and little to no structure.


To solve this problem we researched the hazards and DOL/SOC/NAICS injury and illness data associated with underwater cabling installation and maintenance work; then developed a safe work procedure document framework and library focused on actual injury and illness data that L3 could use as a starting point for creating more detailed safe work procedures in the underwater environment.


The US Navy's Pacific Command faced a distinctive abatement project, necessitating specialized subject matter research and technical writing capabilities that exceeded the capacities of their internal team within the project's stringent time constraints. Recognizing the urgency and complexity of the task at hand, they turned to us to expedite the development of hazard abatement procedures for these unique challenges.


In response to the Navy's unique project requirements, our team swiftly mobilized to conduct thorough subject matter research and employ technical writing expertise. We navigated the intricacies of the abatement project, crafting comprehensive hazard abatement procedures that not only met but exceeded the standards set by the US Navy's Pacific Command and EM-385.


The White House's "Office of Administration" faced the imperative task of implementing a comprehensive safety management system (SMS) across their entire organization. Recognizing the critical need for an effective solution, they sought our expertise to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, while simultaneously addressing the unique hazards inherent in their operations.


In response to this challenge, our dedicated team at EHS, Inc. engaged in a thorough analysis of the specific requirements outlined by the White House's Office of Administration. Drawing upon our extensive knowledge and experience in the realm of safety management, we crafted a tailored solution that not only met but exceeded their expectations.


Dyson faced a concerning increase in near misses and incidents at one of their retail locations on the west coast. Recognizing the urgency to enhance their safety program, they approached us for assistance in developing additional policies and procedures to mitigate risks and improve safety measures.


In response to Dyson's safety concerns, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the specific challenges associated with the location, the industry, and other unique attributes of the geographical area. Leveraging this insight, we crafted customized policies and procedures that precisely targeted the known hazards, ensuring a tailored and effective approach to bolstering the safety program.


Zoom faced a critical challenge when confronted with the need for a custom Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) to align with a new compliance effort mandated by the state of California. Lacking an internal staff equipped with the specific knowledge and experience in Cal/OSHA compliance, Zoom sought assistance from external providers with expertise in the field.


Recognizing the urgency and specificity of Zoom's compliance requirements, we swiftly responded by delivering a tailored Injury and Illness Prevention Program that catered to the unique needs of the company. Beyond the program documentation, we went the extra mile by providing the essential forms and documentation required to execute safety activities mandated by California law.


Kolb Electric initially sought our EHS software to transition to a paperless system, aiming to streamline safety activities and reporting. Subsequently, they faced a heightened challenge when tasked with a high-risk electrical job that had previously resulted in tragic fatalities for employees from another company initially assigned to the project.


Recognizing the critical nature of the high-risk electrical job, Kolb Electric tapped into our team of EHS experts. Together, we meticulously formulated a comprehensive plan that not only accounted for all potential hazards but also ensured strict compliance with relevant safety standards. Leveraging our EHS services, Kolb Electric fortified their approach to entering, completing, and safely exiting the challenging work area.


Stumpf Electric, Inc. initially engaged with us to minimize employee exposure to risks associated with electrical installation and repair activities. As their operations evolved, they found themselves increasingly reliant on our EHS services, recognizing the need for highly technical and customized documentation, particularly when bidding on new jobs.


Acknowledging Stumpf Electric's evolving needs, we established a seamless partnership where they could delegate the creation of specialized documentation to us. Whenever they require intricate and custom documentation for new job bids, Stumpf Electric sends us the requirements, and we expedite the process of crafting and delivering the necessary documents.


ARC Construction approached us seeking an efficient solution to streamline their safety management processes, including safety inspections, meetings, training sessions, and Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) for their workforce.


Upon onboarding with our EHS software, ARC Construction gained access to a comprehensive suite of tools designed to simplify and enhance their safety protocols. Leveraging our platform and a customized activity plan tailored to their specific needs, ARC Construction experienced significant improvements in their EMR/XMOD over the subsequent years while significantly reducing workers' compensation premiums at the same time.


Equinox faced the complex task of ensuring compliance with various state and federal regulations governing employee health and safety. Frustrated by the lack of solutions offered by other vendors, they sought our expertise to create comprehensive programs that not only addressed all jurisdictional requirements but also consolidated them into a unified document.


In response to Equinox's multifaceted compliance needs, we devised innovative programs tailored to meet the intricate demands of both state and federal regulations. What set our solution apart was the integration of diverse requirements into a single, cohesive document – a feat that other vendors had either struggled with or were unwilling to attempt.


When Shoals Overhead Door of Montgomery, Al. reach out to us they had just added staff and the concerns about incidents were surfacing. The main problem was they were a small business without a dedicated EHS Director on staff at the time.


We were able to combine our EHS software and a thorough safety plan to effectively reduce incidents and achieve compliance with Federal OSHA, without having to hire a full time dedicated EHS Director.


Brad's Fuel Filtering encountered a significant setback when one of their crucial clients refrained from awarding them a vital contract, citing perceived Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) deficiencies. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Brad's Fuel Filtering sought our assistance to address these concerns and secure the contract.


In response to this critical challenge, we conducted a thorough analysis of the perceived EHS deficiencies. Through meticulous problem dissection, we formulated a customized site plan that not only addressed the identified issues but also showcased Brad's Fuel Filtering as a company committed to exemplary EHS standards. To bolster their case, we crafted a compelling letter directed to the EHS Director, articulating the unique strengths and EHS-related merits that positioned Brad's Fuel Filtering as the standout choice for the contract.

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